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  ● 1994年元旦,山东卫视成为全国首批上星台。

  ● 1994年,山东卫视成为全国首家24小时不间断播出的电视台。

  ● 山东卫视双星并发,覆盖30多个国家和地区。

  ● 山东卫视以7.78亿实际收视人口的有效覆盖,位居全国省级卫视首位。


  北京美兰德媒体传播策略咨询有限公司(CMMR )全国频道覆盖与收视状况调查结果显示,2006 年,山东卫视全国覆盖总人口达到7.78 亿,位居全国37 家省级卫视之首。 CSM央视—索福瑞媒介研究有限公司提供的数据显示, 2006年,山东卫视全天24 小时市场份额位居全国省级卫视第三位,晚间黄金时段收视份额列省级卫视第一位。 山东电视台网上频道——山东电视网,目前日访问量已经超过500 万次,在国内电视媒体网站中排名第五。

  山东电视台各频道多年来培育了《阳光快车道》、《天下故事》、《天下父母》、《数风流人物》、《早间新闻》、《拉呱》、《每日新闻》、《乡村季风》、《民生直通车》等一批在全国和山东省有较强影响力的品牌节目。同时,山东电视台采访报道的触角遍及全国,并走向世界,先后拍摄制作了 30 集系列片《尼罗河》、28 集大型系列片《环球纪行》、22 集大型系列片《珠江大漂流》、60 集大型系列片《中国海疆行》等大型节目。2006 年以来,山东电视台加强策划、做大影响,《天使任务》、《城市形象大使》、《联盟歌会》等一批大型活动在全国产生巨大反响。 2007 年,山东卫视推出独资拍摄的365 集大型电视栏目剧《低头不见抬头见》,并斥资亿元购进热播剧、独播剧,强力提升节目品质和市场影响力。

  山东电视台拥有高素质技术、管理方面的专业人才,拥有一流水平的现代化专业设备。如 1200 平方米数字高清演播室、全数字硬盘自动播出系统、非线编制播一体化的新闻资讯中心,均采用了最新数字技术,为电视节目制作提供了强有力的技术支撑。

  A Brief Introduction to Shandong TV

  Shandong TV is regarded as one of the most important and influential provincial-level television institutions in China. The station's satellite channel is among the top provincial satellite channels that can claim the most network coverage and the largest viewing audience.

  According to a national survey conducted by the Beijing-based China Mainland Marketing Research Company(CMMR), Shandong TV Satellite Channel leads the nation’s 37 provincial satellite channels, broadcasting to 0.778 billion people. Statistics from CVSC-SOFRES MEDIA(CSM), another television research agency, show that in 2006 the average market share of Shandong TV Satellite Channel over 24 hours and during prime time took the first and the third place respectively among the nation’s provincial satellite channels. The Shandong TV website, with 5 million hits a day, ranks fifth among TV station websites nationwide.

  Shandong TV has produced shows that enjoy provincial or even national fame, such as The Sunny Express, Stories under Heaven, Chinese Parents, Outstanding Scholars, Rural Shandong and news programs like Morning News, News Chat, News Everyday and Express to People’s Livelihood. Shandong TV does not limit its productions to Shandong but extends its activities to other parts of the nation and of the world with full-length TV series such as The Nile, Around the Globe, Floating on Zhujiang River and Along China’s Coastlines.

  Since 2006 Shandong TV has had a profound impact on China's viewing habits with large-scale TV entertainments like M-zone Angels, City Image Ambassadors and China Vision.

  In 2007, a 365 -segment TV serial drama People Living in the Same Courtyard produced by Shandong TV is being shown daily on the station’s Satellite Channel. The station also purchased rights to many popular TV plays to solidify its position in the nation.

  Shandong TV Station boasts both a team of qualified technicians and management, and first-class professional equipment, like the 1200-square meter HDTV Studio, its all-digital hard disk play system and the nonlinear news editing center. All these provide a sound technical platform for the production of high-quality TV programs.

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