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  Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation (Group) was launched in June 2001 and was divided into nine departments including Radio and Television News Center, Television Media Center, Radio Media Center, Radio and Television Technology Center, Film and Television Center, NetworkCenter, Newspaper and Magazine Center, Logistics and Service Centerand Education and Science Center.

  SBC has 11 television channels, two of which are satellite channels,i.e. Jiangsu Satellite Television Channel and Yangtze River Satellite Channel. Seven are free channels covering the whole province (including City Channel, Variety Show Channel, Film and Television Channel, Public Channel, Sports and Recreation Channel, Children's Channel, and Finance Channel.) Also, there is one digital pay-TV channel (Dressy Channel),which can be received all over the country. In addition, 21 channels approved by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television are under way. Meanwhile, SBC owns 10 radio frequencies. Five of them are medium wave; four are FM radios; one is a short wave channelAt present ten broadcasting programs are on air. These are: News and Comprehensive Radio, Economic Radio, Entertainment Radio, Music Radio, Traffic Broadcasting Network, Health Radio, Voice of Jinling,and Travel Radio (Economic Radio and Entertainment Radio are transmitted by both FM and medium wave and have two subprograms respectively). News and Comprehensive Radio and Traffic BroadcastingNetwork are transmitted within the province, while Voice of Jinling is broadcasted to Taiwan by short wave. The rest of the radio stations mainly cover Nanjing City only.

  Besides radio and television, SBC also runs a film studio (Nanjing FilmStudio), an audiovisual publishing house, a newspaper (Jiangsu Radio and TV Guide), two magazines (the Audiovisual Circle, Oriental Culture Weekly), and an Internet website. As a whole, SBC is involved in all forms of the mass media industry. Moreover, SBC runs a broadcasting college, a science exhibition center and other related organizations in business and industry.

  SBC has a rich pool of talents. From a total of 2,850 employees, 300 have senior professional titles, some one hundred have postgraduate education background, 18 are granted the government special allowance approved by the State Council, and 12 have the titles of young and mid-aged experts with outstanding contributions, an honored title approved by the provincial government. Besides, five won the titles of "Top 100 Excellent Journalists", "National Top 100 Excellent Young

  Artists" and the nomination for "Fan Changjiang News Award".

  The range of reach of SBC is very wide and relies upon advanced technical equipment and facilities. At present there are 10 television performance halls with an area of 100 to 800 km2, 5 outdoor broadcasting vans and communication vehicles for reporting via satellite.

  Recently, the equipment for radio and TV program production and broadcasting have been upgraded and the hard disc broadcasting system has been put into all- round use. Moreover, the project of a modern and digital "Jiangsu Broadcasting City" has been launched, which will cover an area of more than 130,000 km2 upon its completion.


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