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《真实中国•导演计划 II》中英文序言

  真实中国•导演计划 II

  上海文广新闻传媒集团纪实频道2006年推出的“真实中国•导演计划” 是一项支持中国纪录片创作的长期发展计划,每年举办一次。作为国内主流媒体唯一的纪录片专业培训及委托制作项目,导演计划旨在吸引国内富有创意的纪录片专业人士和爱好者,通过纪实频道这一专业平台,展示他们在纪录片创作方面的才艺。




  DocuChina Filmmaker Plan II

  Launched by the Documentary Channel in 2006, DocuChina Filmmaker Plan is the only professional project offering documentary training initiative project leading toand documentary commission conduit in China’sese mainstream media. It is As a long-term initiativeproject, it will be held every year, and dedicateds to offering professionals and risingup-and-coming young talents in the documentary field the necessary experience, support, and know-how, to work in today’s media terrain.

  What DocuChina Filmmaker Plandeclares Nis that, No sufficient funding, nNo technologicaly support, nNo broadcast platform, and n No specific medium of communication? The only criterion for inclusion is simply, … As long as you have a good idea, Join us in Filmmaker Plan. DocuChina Filmmaker Plan will could provide supports, giving access raising you up onto athe broader stage. Let your mind shock the whole world, riding the whirlwind in Chinese Documentaries!DocuChina Filmmaker Plan is expecting your idea!

  TheThrough this project, Documentary Channel will first collect ideas and stories from young talents first.TAnd then, twenty-two proposals will go into the final pitching session. But before thateir pitching, a series oftwo days mMaster-classeses will be held over two days. The directors and producers of acceptedthose selected proposals will be invited to attend the classes, which will be given es. byThe tutors of the Master-class are distinguished documentary directors and producers in the non-fiction sector, as well as high-profile TV broadcasting executives from broadcasters. TThrough two days lectures, he Master-classes willtries to show the way, explaining some practical terms, and the standards and essential rules of the documentary making. After thewo days lectures, the twenty-two groups will pitch their ideas to the tutors, who are the commissioning editors. Finally, sSix proposals , which Judges voted, could get thewill be commissioned by the from Documentary Channel toand go into the production. Last year, the first DocuChina Filmmaker Plan also commissioned six documentaries.

  In 20087, the theme of the DocuChina Filmmaker Plan II is to ‘Make a Portrait offor the Contemporary Chinese People.’. The mMaster-class and final pitching session will be held from 6th June to 12th June. This year, DocuChina Filmmaker II will also cooperate with Panasonic to provide the winners withthe HD equipments, and to raise the production quality of Chinese dDocumentariesy.

  Founded in 2002 the, Documentary Channel is a wholly- owned subsidiary of SMG, and is also the first documentary channel in China. As an most important factual contents provider,, the Documentary Channel hasowns an excellent in-house production team. The channel daily broadcasts 19 hours offactual programminges daily. In 2007 the, Documentary Channel produced more than 600 hours of programminges.

  SMG (Shanghai Media Group) is, a multi-media group operating radio, television, newspaper, and Internet companies, and is affiliated with SMEG (the Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group (SMEG). SMG was established in 2001 through the merger of The People’s Radio Station of Shanghai, East Radio Shanghai, Shanghai Television Station, Oriental Television Station, and Shanghai Cable Television Station. Its broadcast media encompass 13 analogue TV channels, 11 analogue radio frequencies, 114 digital radio and TV services, a national broadband Internet TV services (– SMG Broadband Ltd), and a mobile TV business (-‘Dragon Mobile’) launched in 2004, and SiTV which hasowns 30 million pay- TV subscribers nationwide.



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