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Jacqui Hlongwane ‘s professional experience ranges from being a Researcher, Language Advisor, Television Programme Presenter, Writer, Production Co-ordinator, Production-Manager, Producer, Executive Producer and Manager of programmes. 
Her responsibilities at the SABC involve leading a team in the planning, shaping and managing of productions, paying particular attention to the content of the programmes and how that content is presented.  Jacqui is driven by the single objective of making a significant and measurable difference in the lives of South Africans.
The dynamic and innovative person that she is, Jacqui has managed to initiate programmes and projects that contributed to the notion of nation building and citizenship. Her latest innovations are a news and current affairs television programme for children (Kids News) as well as the Lights Camera Action programme where children have the opportunity to turn their stories into short films.

In 2004, Jacqui was appointed to her current position of Head of Reversioning and Repurposing. Heading a 14 person strong team, her role involves the use of archives in producing content as well as the dubbing and subtitling of programme to increase their access. Jacqui believes that documentaries act as a catalyst to positive social change as documentaries have ability to foster understanding, empathy and acceptance of others.
In 2007, Jacqui served as a jury for the regional semi final round of judging for the 2007 International Emmy Awards in the categories “Children and young people programming”.
She also served on the preselection committee for The BaKaForum 2008. Jacqui was amongst the panel who selected programming in the children’s and youth programme category. Jacqui is a standing committee member for The BaKaForum.
Jacqui was also one of the judges who were tasked to select the Best Foreign Language Film for the Academy Awards from South Africa.

2004年,杰琪开始担任Reversioning and Repurposing(循环利用创作) 部经理。带领着14个人组成的精英团队,杰琪利用存档资料制作节目内容,配音,和为节目制作字幕,使更多的观众能观看节目。杰琪相信纪录片可以使人与人之间相互理解与宽容。


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热点标签:奥运 珠峰 福娃 母亲节 印花税 火炬 日本 赵薇 外遇 股票 金晶 陈冠希 谢霆锋 CNN 中国足球 张柏芝 姚明

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