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Michel Noll,France,ICTV-Solferino-Quartier Latin
Chairman and C.E.O., Quartier Latin Media Ltd., London
born on May 10th, 1949 in Köln (Germany), resident in France since 1973.
Dipl.- Kaufmann (1973) at Cologne University, Germany
Sales Director of Telecip (1978-83), Paris, France
Managing Director of Revcom Television (1983-87), Paris, France
Chairman and CEO of Quartier Latin Media Ltd (since 1987), London, UK
Managing Director of ICTV and Solferino Images, Paris, France
After reading Economics and Sociology at Cologne University in Germany, he became a Producer/Director of television programs when, in 1977, he joined TELECIP in Paris, the then leading French independent production company. In 1982 he was asked to launch REVCOM TELEVISION as the independent television arm of French Publishing Group 'Editions Mondiales' which he rapidly made into the most successful and international of French production companies, with subsidiaries in Germany, United Kingdom and Australia. In 1987 he launched his own production house QUARTIER LATIN specialising in Children's programs and Documentaries. In 1995 he acquired the well established distribution company ICTV which represents in today's world markets a colourful rainbow of small French and international producers. In his current production work, specialising in Current affairs and Social issues, he is particularly keen on works in contemporary History in this, our changing world.
More than his positions and official titles, Michel believes that his films speak for his contributions to the film and television industry. So here is a listing of the most important productions he was involved in as producer and/or director : Golden Pennies, Flight into Hell, The Haunted School, On the Flip Side, Glenn Gould, Capt’n Cook etc.

Michel Noll(米歇尔•诺尔),法国,ICTV-Solferino-Quartier Latin
伦敦Quartier Latin Media Ltd.,(卡提尔拉丁媒体有限公司)主席和首席执行官。
1973年于德国的科隆大学获得理科硕士学位。1978年至1983年,担任法国巴黎Telecip电视的销售总监 ;1983-1987年,担任法国巴黎Revcom Television的常务董事 ;1987至今,担任英国伦敦瓜地尔拉丁媒体公司的主席兼CEO,法国巴黎ICTV和品红图像的常务董事。
米歇尔相信他的电影对电影和电视行业的贡献大大超过了他的地位以及官衔。其中:《金色的铜钱》、《飞向地狱》、《闹鬼的学校》、《唱片的背面》、《格伦 古德》、《卡配特厨师》等30多部影片都是他制作或导演的最重要的作品。


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