Name of Film:Dark Tourism
Country of Production:Canada
Commentary Language:english
Running Time:46 minutes
Year of Production:2008
Author:Manfred Becker
Director(s):Manfred Becker
Producer(s):Barna-Alper Productions
Brief Synopsis:
Have you traveled to Sarajevo since the siege, Rwanda after the genocide, a family theme park dedicated to Stalinism, or even a Genocide museum? That makes you a dark tourist! Visiting sites where people have suffered or died in tragic or spectacular circumstances is becoming increasingly popular. The killing fields of Cambodia, the gulags of the former Soviet Union and the demilitarized zone in Korea have all become tourist hotspots, while more than half a million people visit the extermination camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau each year.
Death has been almost completely hidden from everyday pubic life in our society. Dark tourist might want to explore their own mortality and in a socially acceptable context, in a way where an inquiry into death is not likely to lead to a response of dread or terror.
People are fascinated by death. Is dark tourism ‘a healthy way’ to search for it, while as an extreme expression, snuff movies aren’t? How many people have watched the beheadings of hostages in Iraq on the internet? A shrinking world and technology have allowed the voyeur in us to visit death, on the www, or during our precious two weeks of holidays.
‘Dark Tourim’ is a verite documentary that will take you to a dozen dark tourism sites on three continents. The journey will turn the viewer into a dark tourist himself, observing what travelers see in places of recent human suffering and death, and listen to the voices of former victims that became tour guides. Manfred Becker's film is an exploration into the darkness of our soul.
After studying film in Germany, Manfred Becker began his Canadian career in 1985 when he edited The Journey with Academy Award winning director Peter Watkins. Since 1996, he has earned credits as producer and co-writer, and edited feature length documentaries that received Gemini, Genie and Chalmers awards and an International Emmy. Since 2001, Manfred has directed documentaries for television, including ‘fatherland’, which was honoured as Canada’s best television documentary.