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大会展播影片《Life Support Music 起死回生》




Name of Film:Life. Support. Music.
Country of Production:USA
Commentary Language:English
Running Time:79 minutes
Year of Production:2008
Author:Eric Daniel Metzgar
Director(s):Eric Daniel Metzgar
Producer(s):Eric Daniel Metzgar

Brief Synopsis:From award-winning director Eric Daniel Metzgar comes Life. Support. Music., a new documentary about the nature of recovery and the strength of spirit.
 In 2004, Jason Crigler, a successful and established guitarist living and working in New York City, suffers a brain hemorrhage during a concert in Manhattan. The doctor's prognosis is dire: if he survives, he'll be a vegetable.
His pregnant wife and the rest of his family rally around him in force, refusing to accept the prognosis. They make a promise to themselves, a promise to Jason: You will make a full recovery.
Life. Support. Music., using footage shot by the hospital staff, tracks Jason as he breaks through his vegetative state. These devastating and life-affirming scenes are interwoven with powerful and painful reflections from Jason’s doctors and family. We slowly witness the return of Jason’s consciousness through his family’s personal and deeply intimate home videos. We watch Jason as he learns to talk again, walk again, and live again. We follow Jason as he ventures into his new life, learns to accept his new reality, and tries to remember who he was and who he is—a husband, a musician, and now—a new father.
The film features interviews with Norah Jones, Marshall Crenshaw, Teddy Thompson and other New York musicians who helped him along the way.
Life. Support. Music. shows us the power of faith and takes us on an epic but intimate journey which proves that 'family' may be the strongest material in the universe.

Filmography:The Chances of the World Changing, 2006
Life. Support. Music., 2008
Beholder, 2008



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热点标签:奥运 珠峰 福娃 母亲节 印花税 火炬 日本 赵薇 外遇 股票 金晶 陈冠希 谢霆锋 CNN 中国足球 张柏芝 姚明

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