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大会展播影片之《S&M Short and Male 矮人宣言》




Name of Film:S&M: Short and Male
Country of Production:Canada
Commentary Language:English
Running Time:85 min
Year of Production:2007
Author:Howard Golberg
Director(s):Howard Goldberg
Producer(s):Ina Fichman

Brief Synopsis:
A new documentary directed by Howard Goldberg It’s our dirty little secret ?size matters. We’re obsessed with height. We like our men tall, dark and handsome but at what cost? Cultures around the world seem to share the same obsession with size: it matters, big time.

S&M: short and Male , explores the relationship between height, self-esteem and success. We‘ll meet a child on growth hormones, a short comedian who can’t get a date. We’ll also hear from eight activists?- from New York to Beijing, this new breed aims to sensitize the world to the discrimination short men are up against.

With a touch of humour, S&M: short and Male examines the obstacles that short statured men face every day in life, love and work. Though a short man cannot grow in height, he can grow inside. Filming in the US, Canada, China and Europe, we speak to men from all walks of life to unearth what makes some short men bigger than others.

Howard Goldberg has been editing, directing and writing documentary and fiction films for the last twenty years. As a director and editor, he is known for his unique vision; his ability to create works that are both stylish and accessible to a wide audience. In 2006, Howard won a Gemini for Best Editing (Documentary) for his work on How William Shatner Changed The World. In 2004, Howard directed  the documentary Being Dorothy (CBC), which played to sold out crowds at Hot Docs. The film was also featured at the Margaret Mead Festival in NYC and was nominated for an IDA Award: Best Feature Documentary.


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