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片长:24 分钟
制作年份:1997 年
影片首映日期:1997 年



Name of Entry:Calici: A Rural Conspiracy
Country of Production:New Zealand
Running Time:24 minutes
Commentary Language:English
Year of Production:1997
Date of First Release:1997
Author:Claudia Babirat
Director(s):Claudia Babirat
Company of Production:Claudia Babirat Productions

Brief Synopsis:
Bioterrorists. Ecological anarchists. Those are just some of the names reserved for those who would deliberately introduce a deadly virus across our borders and put New Zealand at risk. But what if those people are among us, the backbone of our nation?
For decades, the farmers of Central Otago have battled rabbits. Forget Thumper and Peter Rabbit — this is a plague that ravages gardens and pasture, denudes entire landscapes. In the early 1990s there was a brief glimmer of hope — a new Calici virus fatal to rabbits. But when the government denied access of the virus into the country in 1997, a small group of desperate farmers decided to take matters into their own hands, smuggling the virus in from Australia.
In the dead of night, little vials were passed to select recipients, often anonymously. Without fully comprehending the severity of their actions, the farmers began experimenting with lethal concoctions, relying on No. 8 technology to propagate and spread the deadly virus around their land.
Told largely through the words of three of the farmers who spread the virus, Calici: A Rural Conspiracy is a sometimes humorous, sometimes sobering look at what it was like to be part of New Zealand’s biggest-ever back-block conspiracy.

Claudia Babirat has a Masters in Natural History Filmmaking and Communication from the University of Otago. Fuelled by the success of her first documentary, 'Porker Stalker', which won best newcomer at the 2005 WildSouth International Film Festival, Claudia has established herself as an independent documentary filmmaker. As well as working for various production companies, including Pickled Possum Productions, Beyond Productions (Sydney), Absolutely Wild Visuals, and the internationally renowned film unit NHNZ (Natural History New Zealand), she has set up her own filmmaking business, Claudia Babirat Productions.



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