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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会评优影片





Name of Entry:Le dernier continent (The Last Continent)
Country of Production: Canada
Running Time:105 min
Commentary Language:English
Year of Production:2007
Date of First Release:
Author:Jean LEMIRE
Director(s):Jean LEMIRE 
Company of Production:Glacialis

Brief Synopsis:Biologist and filmmaker Jean Lemire, accompanied aboard the schooner Sedna IV by a handpicked team of scientists and filmmakers, dared to experience climate change and its consequences within Antarctica’s icy grip. 
More than a full year of daring, isolation, danger, intensity: it was a spectacular adventure full of risks and triumphs, joys and perils. The crew was prepared for the worst but faced even worse!
Le Dernier Continent is a testament to a human adventure at once chilling and inspiring. The film alternates between captivating images of deep serenity and spine-tingling sequences in which the ship’s crew finds itself, time and again, on the edge of catastrophe.
Before our eyes, the crew members live out their most exhilarating highs and grimmest lows. With Le Dernier Continent, Jean Lemire earns the viewer’s admiration on every level: majestic landscapes, fascinating wildlife, a courageous and sensitive crew, relevant and troubling environmental information, exceptional filmmaking. The film is a worthy tribute to the courageous Sedna IV mission it documents, a voyage to the heart of the last continent: Antarctica.

Filmography: Jean Lemire’s films marry science, art and adventure with touching, truthful and visually stunning results. His productions have won many international awards, not least because they cross cultural and temporal boundaries. He was named the La Presse/Radio-Canada Personality of the Year, and a Sélection Reader’s Digest Héros de l’année for 2006. The Royal Canadian.
Sedna IV 2007 (five television documentaries and one feature-length documentary for theatrical release. Citation of Lifetime Achievement at the Canadian Environmental Awards)
La Planète Blanche (The White Planet). 2006 (Distributed in nearly 60 countries, the film delivers a powerful visual testament to the threatened Arctic world, the first casualty of climate change.)



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