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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会评优影片





Name of Entry:Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines
Country of Production:United Kingdom
Running Time:93 minutes
Commentary Language: English
Year of Production:2007
Date of First Release: 2007-11
Author:Tristan Loraine
Director(s):Tristan Loraine
Company of Production:Fact Not Fiction Films Ltd

Brief Synopsis:
Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines’ tells the very real and ongoing story of what some airline crews claim is the biggest cover up in aviation history. Passengers and crews for nearly fifty years have been supplied with unfiltered air to breath, taken directly from the engines, even though this air supply is known to become contaminated with neurotoxins, carcinogens and other hazardous chemicals. With unique access into the aviation industry, the film maker, a former airline captain, reveals for the first time in this unique feature length documentary the serious exposure consequences on flight safety, passenger and crew health, of those who have and continue to be unknowingly exposed.
The filmmaker was an airline captain in 2001 when as a union representative he received a call that changed his life. The caller, Dave Hopkinson, was a work colleague and airline captain told Tristan he had been exposed to toxic fumes in the cockpit of a Boeing 757; passengers and crews were known to be exposed to these fumes; the airline industry was not informing the travelling public of these problems and that Tristan should investigate these matters further. In 2007 after six years of research, Tristan whose own health had also been affected by fumes in the cockpit of a Boeing 757 releases ‘Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines’. The documentary film with unique access to the aviation industry reveals the facts and scandal of contaminated air exposures on aircraft. An issue many call the asbestos of the aviation industry. For 50 years the aviation industry has kept from the travelling public the serious health and flight safety issues relating to contaminated air exposures which continue to plague the aviation industry. The film looks at the history, the politics, the serious health effects and the flight safety issues of contaminated air on aircraft and tells the viewer exactly what the airlines forget to mention in the pre flight safety briefing.

Filmography: Tristan Loraine, a former UK airline pilot established Fact not Fiction Films in late 2006 as a means to produce innovative documentaries and other productions. The first documentary, recently completed and submitted to leading international film festivals is ‘Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines’. The feature length documentary combines powerful testimonies from pilots, cabin crews, passengers and experts to create, as he says, ‘the documentary film the aviation industry never wanted made’. To co-incide with the release of the documentary he has written and published a fiction based on fact investigative thriller entitled, ‘Toxic Airlines’ which examines the real life issue with a fictional story line. Toxic airlines has been adapted into a screenplay, ‘Shadows from the Sky’ and will commence principle photography in 2009.


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