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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会评优影片


片名:大脚水雉  影片原产国:中国 
片长:60分钟  配音语言:汉语、英语、德语
字幕:汉语、英语、德语 制作年份:2006年
影片首播日期:2006年5月   作者:胡慧建 导演:陈东 出品公司:华南濒危动物研究所,Marco Polo Film AG(德国)

Name of Entry:Jiangxi Village and Pheasant-tailed Jacana   Country of Production:China 
Running Time:60 min   Commentary Language:Chinese, English, German 
Subtitile:Chinese, English, German  Year of Production:2006   Date of First Release:May. 2006   Author:Hu Huijian   Director(s):Cheng Dong   Company of Production:South China Institute of Endangered Animals, Marco Polo Film AG  
Brief Synopsis:Pheasant-tailed Jacana of Jacanidae is a migratory bird with beauteous feathers and oversized feet. This species can walk nimbly on the leave surfaces of phytoplankton.
Jiangxi village is located near Xijiang River, the upper of Zhujiang in Guangdong. At the beginning of spring, a flock of Pheasant-tailed Jacanas arrive in the village. When Euryale ferox grow, the birds begin to occupy territories, nest on the leaves, raise their offspring and then leave quietly in late autumn.
The villagers don’t know why these birds come and leave, why they like to live in the paddy fields. But they are accustomed to pheasant-tailed Jacana and never hurt these beautiful birds when they work in the fields.
One day, a strange man came to the village with some equipment. He began to observe these birds that were called Zhaoshi pheasant by the villagers. The villagers’ curiosity was aroused extremely by the coming of the strange man. After gradually acquainted with the man, the villagers have acquired a good knowledge of peasant-tailed Jacana.  
Filmography :Chen dong, born in 1949,is a veteran television producer in China. He has devoted himself to the production of documentaries since 2001. He begins to plan and produce documentaries on wildlife, environment protection and scientific surveys in 2005.


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