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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会评优影片

大会评优影片《The Burning Season 燃烧季节》

出品公司: Hatchling Productions



Name of Entry:The Burning Season
Country of Production:Australia
Running Time:90 mins
Commentary Language:English
Subtitile: English
Year of Production:2008
Date of First Release:August 2008
Author:Cathy Henkel
Director(s):Cathy Henkel
Company of Production:Hatchling Productions

Brief Synopsis:
Every year, there is a burning season in Indonesia. Rainforest areas equivalent to 300 football fields are cut down and burnt every hour to clear land for crops such as palm oil. The victims include the critically-endangered orangutan and the worlds climate. Deforestation contributes 20% of global carbon emissions.

A 29 year old Chinese/Australian environmental entrepreneur, Dorjee Sun, sets out to find a solution. His idea involves selling the carbon credits represented by large forest areas in three Indonesian provinces to big polluters in the West. Despite the scepticism surrounding carbon trading, Dorjee’s quest for a ‘big deal’ takes him from Sydney to New York, Washington DC, San Francisco and London。。。。。。

The final act takes place at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bali. As the drama of this historic moment plays out, Dorjee relentlessly pursues his deal. Is he a pioneer or a profiteer?  What value does his concept offer to the remaining forests of the world and to the challenges of climate change?

Cathy Henkel works as a producer, writer and director of documentaries, online and interactive content. Her previous television credits include "Walking Through a Minefield”, "Losing Layla", (ATOM Award, Best Documentary, 2001), "The Man who Stole my Mother's Face", (Best Feature Documentary, Tribeca Film Festival, New York; IF Award, Best Documentary, Australia, 2004) and “I told you I was ill: The life and Legacy of Spike Milligan”, which screened in seven countries to 5 million people. Cathy’s latest film The Burning Season won the audience choice award at the Brisbane International Film Festival and has been nominated for two industry awards.





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