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大会评优影片之《The Lost Water 失去的水》

片长:25 分钟
影片首映日期:2007 年10月



Name of Entry:The Lost Water
Country of Production:India
Running Time:25 min.
Commentary Language:Gujarati
Year of Production:2007
Date of First Release:October 2007
Author:DaKxin Bajarange
Director(s):DaKxin Bajarange
Company of Production:DaKxin Bajarange

Brief Synopsis:
73% of the total salt production in India comes from Gujarat State, almost 60% of which comes from Little Rann of Kutch (LRK), Gujarat.
The government of Gujarat has consistently ignored the LRK area. The salt workers of LRK, known as Agariyas, are predominantly from the Koli and Chuvaliya Koli tribes. As bonded laborers, they are not only victims of wage discrimination, they are endure serious physical and mental health hazards due to the dangerous nature of their work. Kharaghoda village itself is home to 437 widows. Working in extreme temperatures without any protective gear, many Agariyas suffer major health complications, including blindness and skin damage due to unprotected exposure to salt.  Living in abject poverty, Agariyas now face water scarcity as well as malnutrition since green vegetables are not available in this area.
The LRK area has recently been designated as a wildlife sanctuary for the threatened Indian Wild Donkey, making salt workers and salt production in LRK now illegal. Agariyas have been forced by government authorities to look outside the LRK for work, now struggling for both their ancestors’ land and their livelihood.

DaKxin Bajrange is an award-winning filmmaker, playwright, actor, director and activist from the Chhara community of Ahmedabad in western India. He teaches theatre and film at the National Tribal Academy at Tejgadh, Gujarat and is a Fellow of Bhasha Research and Publication Centre in Baroda. He has produced cultural programs for the Information Department of Gujarat State; directed over 50 television programs; and directed 8 documentaries on the earthquake in 2000 for the Gujarat government, as well as producing several independent documentaries.  Currently, he is working as an Associate Director with Rakesh Sharma for his film series on Gujarat.




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