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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会评优影片

大会评优影片之《在路上 ON THE ROAD》




Name of Entry:ON THE ROAD
Country of Production:PRC, Republic of Korea
Running Time:52 minutes
Commentary Language:Mandarin, Korean
Year of Production:2008
Date of First Release:Dec 2008
Author:Tang Qingcong (China), Park Han Gyun (Korea)   
Director(s):Tang Qingcong (China), Park Han Gyun (Korea)
Production Company:Guangzhou Television, China、
  Kwang Ju Broadcasting Company, Korea

Brief Synopsis:
Many urbanites are getting used to complaining about hustle and pollution. But have we made enough efforts to take care of earth, our home? If not, what shall we carry out? With the same questions, 6 university students from China and Korea begin their journey. By riding bicycles, they are experiencing not only many picturesque places, but also some people who protect and cherish the environment in their special way. Can what these 6 students have seen and met truly help them find the keys to their questions?

Tang Qingcong, a young director, is devoting himself to film productions, one of the Top Ten Reporters & Editors with Guangzhou Television. Tang participated in the production of feature series Stories Happened in Spring Festival and Heart Connects Two Places, which respectively won the First Prize and Second Prize of Guangzhou Urban News Awards for Social Programs. His film Soundless Music also won the Third Prize of Guangzhou Urban News Awards for Social Programs.
Park Han Gyun, a program director in Kwangju Broadcasting Company, Korea, hoped to be a novelist when he was in high school. As a result, he entered the university and majored in literature. His idea is very unique, and, he loves films, and then changed his dream. He has been making films for 15 years. His interest is music, humanities, nature and society. After he had entered the broadcasting company, he made his unique genre, tried to realize his personalities in programs. The variety of films which he’s made contains entertainment, show, documentary program, etc. His major program includes Tea Encyclopedia, Dialectic Show --- Zebra, High School Quit Show, Live Concert, Music Contest in Passion, In the Name of Love, etc.




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