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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会展播影片

大会展播影片《Berlin Symphony 柏林交响曲》

2000年由德国最著名的导演托马斯•夏德执导,历时一年完成本片的摄制。 影片在很多方面让人回想起上个世纪20年代的柏林,仿佛重新解读当年沃尔特•鲁特曼恩让人敬畏的伟大之作。

导演简历:托马斯•夏德教授,1957年生于纽伦堡。高中毕业后接受培训成为摄影师,做过网球教练、酒吧招待、电影放映员、摄影助理、电影摄影师等。1980到1983年间在柏林德国电影电视学院学习。1983年成立了奥德赛影视制作公司。随后几年,他撰写书籍、制作纪录片、做摄像师、摄影师等工作。从1991年开始成为Haus des Dokumentarfilms Stuttgart理事会成员。1999年他发起SWR“新纪录片”系列并成为联合组织者,成为年轻纪录片导演展示作品的平台,并在2001年和2002年获得格里姆奖提名。2001年开始在巴登符腾堡电影学院任教授。

地址:Sonnenstr. 21 80331 Munich / Germany
电话:+ 49 89 55876 226
传真:+ 49 89 55876 229

Name of Film:Berlin Symphony
Country of Production:Germany
Commentary Language:no – the film is only with music
Subtitle:no the film is only music
Running Time:78 minutes
Year of Production:2002
Brief Synopsis:
In 1927, Walther Ruttmann shot his majestic documentary “Berlin, Symphony of a Great City“. In September of that same year, this milestone of the silent film era was premiered at Berlin’s Tauentzien Palast with a specially composed live soundtrack. The screening was accompanied by a seventy-member symphony orchestra, personally conducted by composer Edmund Meisel. Ruttmann’s film is still considered one of the great classics of German film and the quintessential portrait of Berlin in the 1920s.
75 years later, Berlin is in the midst of a uniquely vibrant and exciting transition. Ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the re-energized drive of history is bringing forth a new city. People from all over the world and from all walks of life are coming together to form a new metropolis, one reminiscent in many ways of 1920s Berlin.
Berlin, buzzing with life and a symphony of rhythms, is giving people a greater sense of the term “modern metropolis” than anywhere else on the earth. The time is right for a new interpretation of Walther Ruttmann’s awe-inspiring film.
The film was shot in over one hundred days of shooting between the New Year’s Eves of 2000 and 2001, under the direction of Germany’s most well-known documentary filmmaker, Thomas Schadt. The premiere, with live accompaniment from the symphony orchestra of broadcast group Suedwest Rundfunk, will take place on April 10, 2002 at the regal municipal opera house in the heart of Berlin, “Staatsoper unter den Linden.”         

Author:Thomas Schadt
Director(s):Thomas Schadt
Filmography:Professor Thomas Schadt 1957 born in Nuremberg. Following high school diploma trained as a photographer and worked as a tennis teacher, barkeeper, cinema projectionist, camera assistant and theater photographer.

1980-83 studies at the German Film and Television Academy (DFFB) in Berlin.

1983 founded the ODYSEE-FILM production firm. Over the following years wrote books, made documentaries and worked as a photographer and cameraman.

From 1991 numerous teaching posts in film academies and universities.

Since 1997 member of board of trustees of the Haus des Dokumentarfilms Stuttgart.

1999 Co-initiator and subsequently co-organizer of the SWR "New Documentary Film" series featuring debut works by young filmmakers, which was nominated for the Grimme Prize in 2001 and 2002. 

Since 2000 professor at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy.

Producer(s):Team Worx, Berlin / Odyssee Film, Berlin – Niko Hofmann & Thomas Schadt
Contact Person:Wolfram Skowronnek / Telepool GmbH
Address:Sonnenstr. 21 80331 Munich / Germany
Telephone Number:+ 49 89 55876 226
Fax Number:+ 49 89 55876 229




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