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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会展播影片






Name of Film:Can We Save Planet Earth?
Country of Production:UK
Commentary Language:English
Running Time:59 minutes
Year of Production:2006
Authors:David Attenborough, Nick Brown, Jeremy Bristow
Director(s): Nick Brown, Jeremy Bristow, Chris Mitchell, Steve Cooter

Brief Synopsis: This is the second of two films, presented by David Attenborough, on Climate Change transmitted on BBC and numerous countries worldwide(Now marketed on DVD(inc. HK) under title ‘The Truth About Climate Change.’  The first film clearly explains how we are changing our planet through Greenhouse gas emissions. The second looks to the future.  It outlines, how we are contributing to CC, what might happen to the planet, addresses some of the practical measures that individuals and global society might take. Although the film does not shrink from addressing some of the negative impacts of Global Warming, it also gives some hope in that there are practical things we can do. Both films achieved high audiences and considerable debate within the UK. The US version of our films, presented by Tom Brokow, won an Emmy.

Filmography: This film was a joint effort of several Directors. Nick Brown was the principal Director. Nicolas Brown is one of the leading producers working within British film and television today. Nick has been working as a freelance producer since 1995 - his credits include London Bridge for Carlton TV and Hope And Glory and Deceit for BBC ONE. A successful relationship with Company Pictures followed, where he produced The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby for ITV and then the adaptation of Zadie Smith's White Teeth for Channel Four. In 2003 Nick produced his first feature film, Ladies In Lavender for Scala Productions. He has since produced two feature-length television films - Friends And Crocodiles and Gideon's Daughter - for the BBC and a film for Channel 4, Bradford Riots.




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