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大会展播影片之《Homeless FC 曙光球队》

片长:103 分钟


导演简历:梁思众、李成琳在过去两年先后执导的影片包括:Passabe (2006);阿齐拉的男孩 (2007) ;曙光球队 (2007)。

Name of Film:Homeless FC
Country of Production:Hong Kong/Singapore
Commentary Language:Cantonese
Running Time:103 mins
Year of Production:2007
Author:James Leong/LynnLee
Director(s):James Leong/Lynn Lee
Producer(s):James Leong/Lynn Lee

Brief Synopsis:Twice a week in Hong Kong, an unlikely group of men gather to play football.  They call themselves the Dawn Team, for all of the players have lived through some pretty dark times.  Beyond a love for the beautiful game, the one thing that unites these people is the fact that they all know what it is like to be homeless.
There is Ah Hung, a former gang member trying to turn over a new leaf.
Ah Lung who dropped out of college when his mother died and through a series of bad mistakes ended up on the streets.  Young, smart and handsome, Ah Lung doesn’t look like he should be on the team.
Loud, boisterous Chor Pat who gambled his life away.  At 54, time is no longer on Chor Pat’s side.  He is looking for a final chance to make amends and convince his wife and kids to take him back.
David, who has never been homeless.  Who joined the team only because he is lonely.
And countless others – recovering drug addicts, struggling alcoholics, ex-offenders – this football team sees it all.  Their Hong Kong is a world away from the glitz and glamour the city is better known for.  It is grim, mired in poverty, a place of constant struggle.
Yet there is also hope.  The Dawn Team is training to take part in the Homeless World Cup in Cape Town.  Only eight players can go, and secretly, everyone wants to be chosen.  For the ones who eventually make it, the journey to South Africa is at once magical and sobering.  It is a chance to see the world outside Hong Kong, to meet other homeless people, and to re-assess their own lives.

Filmography:Passabe (2006)
Aki Ra's Boys (2007)
Homeless FC (2007)



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