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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会展播影片


制片商:哈里特•雷森 & 南希•波特



哈里特•雷森为WGBH,WNET,HBO,WBZ,WCVB电视台工作,并作为WBUR晨报、PRI市场、WGBH上午故事的广播评论员,而且是NPR黑名单系列片的联合制作人。她在Travel and Leisure,Tin House, Provincetown Arts等杂志发表文章、出版儿童书籍和歌曲等,并在斯坦福大学和哈佛大学暑期班教授电影历史、电影评论和电影剧本创作。她创立了WIFVNE。她的传记作品《路易莎•梅•奥尔科特》将由亨利•霍尔特极其公司于2009年秋季出版。

Name of Film:LOUISA MAY ALCOTT: The Woman Behind Little Women
Country of Production:USA
Commentary Language:English
Subtitle:Mandarin–if accepted     
Running Time:84 minutes
Year of Production:2008
Author:Harriet Reisen
Director(s) Nancy Porter
Producer(s):Harriet Reisen and Nancy Porter

Brief Synopsis:Shot in HD, and using animation and digital effects as well as docudrama. this 82-minute production is the first film biography of this American icon. It stars the 'peerless' Elizabeth Marvel, and features Jane Alexander. 
Producer-Writer Harriet Reisen and Producer-Director Nancy Porter, working from a script drawn from primary sources and filming in many original locations, have used documentary and dramatic techniques as well as experimental and flash animation, green-screen, and digital effects to bring a fresh approach to the PBS historical documentary form. An independent project at its inception, the program was co-produced with WNET and will be broadcast on the American Masters series early in 2009. It has not yet been shown publicly.Louisa May Alcott: The Woman Behind Little Women is the story of the quest of a volatile talented woman, to rescue her family from poverty and find wealth, fame and happiness. Raised in the center of 19th century New England's great transcendentalist and abolitionist movements, she learned about literature from Emerson; Thoreau took her on his nature walks; and she saw the Civil War up close as an army nurse. She had a secret career writing pulp fiction featuring hashish users, spies, revolutiionaries, and women in every possible kind of crisis that was not discovered for 50 years after her death. Louisa Alcott was no little woman, and her life was no children's book.

Filmography:Nancy Porter has produced, directed and written documentaries for PBS for over 25 years, including films on Houdini, Amelia Earhart and the Wright Brothers for American Experience, and  The Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls, High Tech Babies, and Will Venice Survive its Rescue? for NOVA.  Her awards include an Emmy®, an American Film Festival Blue Ribbon, two Cine Gold Eagles, and Gold Medals at the Houston and Chicago Film Festivals. Her most recent film for NOVA, The Most Dangerous Woman in America, about Typhoid Mary, was nominated for an Emmy® as Best Historical Documentary in 2005.
Harriet Reisen has worked in television for WGBH, WNET, HBO, WBZ, and WCVB, on radio as a commentator for WBUR Morning Edition, PRI Marketplace, and WGBH Morning Stories, and as Co-Producer of the series Blacklisted for NPR. She has published articles for magazines including Travel and Leisure, Tin House, and Provincetown Arts; film criticism, children’s books, and song lyrics. She has taught film history, criticism, and screenwriting at Stanford University and Harvard Summer School and is the Founder of WIFVNE.  Her biography  of  Louisa May Alcott, for Henry Holt and Company, will be published in Fall 2009.




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