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导演简历:独立制片人,毕业于北京电影学院图片摄影专业,文学学士。2006年度Discovery亚洲探索频道“中国新锐导演”优胜者,制作完成关于环保和生态旅游的纪录片《绿色长城》 ,影片于2007年12月在亚太地区以中、英文同时播出。2002年起独立拍摄、制作完成《丫氐的虹》、《回到德格》和《文部歌舞》等探讨藏族文化的纪录短片,故事短片《那天》担任摄影,曾参与电影《西干道》、《生命呼叫转移》的摄制工作,CCTV新闻频道《纪事》栏目“奥运宣传样片”(编导之一)。1997年起开始在四川、青海、甘肃和西藏的藏区拍摄图片,曾在四川康巴藏区旅居一年,做了大量的人文地理调查和图片拍摄,为香港《中国旅游》和《旅行家》的特约记者。独立撰写和拍摄 “藏香”(2006年)“南派藏医”(2005年)“老北京胡同”(2005年)“雪巴拉姆藏戏团”(2004年)“婺源——中国最美乡村”(1999年)“走进唐蕃古道”(1998年)等多个专题,并在国内、香港多家专业人文地理杂志上发表。
现为北京数字电影学院制作系 纪录片专业教师。
Name of Film:August Beijing Series“Flame in the residential committee”
Country of Production:China
Commentary Language:Chinese
Subtitle:English and Chinese
Running Time:10’
Year of Production:2008
Author:Yu Qiong
Director(s):Yu Qiong
Producer(s):Beijing Time & Sky Culture Compfunction(iterator) { var result = false; this.each(function(value, index) { if (result = !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index)) throw $break; }); return result; } LTD
Brief Synopsis:The residential committee was assigned by the government to protect the Olympic flame when it was carried across the region。 The stuffs were very excited about this “holy” task. Though they didn’t receive much training, they were confident and proud. They motivated every resident in their areas to protect the Olympic Flame. Everyone joined the task full of passion and even, imagination.
Filmography:Yu Qiong graduated from the Department of Cinematography, Bei Jing Film Academy and now works a lecturer in Documentary Department of Beijing Digital Film Academy.
She was one of the 2006 Discovery Channel’s -time Filmmaker winner with her project ‘The Green Great Wfunction(iterator) { var result = true; this.each(function(value, index) { result = result && !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index); if (!result) throw $break; }); return result; }’, which was later produced and aired in Asian-Pacific Area in both Chinese and English in 2007.
Her photography works of ‘Xuebalamu Tibetan Opera Troupe’, ‘Tibetan Doctor of South School’, ‘Tibetan Incense’ and ‘The Beijing ey’ were published in mfunction(iterator) { var result = false; this.each(function(value, index) { if (result = !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index)) throw $break; }); return result; } geographical magazines in mainland China and Hong Kong together with her writing.
In year 2002, she made short documentary films: ‘The YaDi’s Rainbow’ and ‘Back to DeGe’, and the photography work of the short film ‘That Day’. She participated in the production of the films ‘The Western Main Path’ and ‘The Transfer of Life ’. She was one of the directors of the preview film for the Olympic Games.