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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会展播影片

大会展播影片之《Subak 苏巴克》




Name of Film:Subak
Country of Production:Indonesia
Commentary Language:English/Indonesian
Running Time:50:48mins
Year of Production:2008
Author:Justin Ong
Director(s):Justin Ong
Producer(s):Junichi Katayama (Executive Producer)

Brief Synopsis:
Bali has an age-old irrigation system which has, over the centuries, proven to be near perfect. It is called the 'Subak'. The underlying philosophy guiding the 'Subak' system is harmony. Mutual agreements govern planting cycles, the division of water resources, the financial contribution of members, and the rights and responsibilities of members. It is defined by the Hindu concept of 'tri hita karana' or 'three elements of happiness''. In the 1970s, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank attempted to 'improve' on the system by introducing the Bali Irrigation Project. Without consulting the locals, they introduced a new water distribution systems and pesticides to Bali. The project almost destroyed Bali's farming system. Since then, there has been a concerted effort to revive and fully reinstate the "Subak" system. The documentary will demonstrate how its possible for humans to live in harmony with nature through traditional methods and mutual cooperation

Filmography:Justin Ong grew up in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and continued his studies in the United States. Having been brought up with Eastern values but yet being educated in the West has given him a unique perspective on the world around him. He dreams of traveling to far flung corners of the world to discover new stories, eat exotic food and make new friends. He’s previously directed the documentary, “Thaipusam”, a traditional Hindu festival involving bodily piercing and written the short documentary, “Pua”, the winner of the Best Documentary at the Asia-Pacific Film Festival 2005.



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热点标签:奥运 珠峰 福娃 母亲节 印花税 火炬 日本 赵薇 外遇 股票 金晶 陈冠希 谢霆锋 CNN 中国足球 张柏芝 姚明

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