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大会展播影片之《The Chinese Shoes中国鞋子》

影片原产国:德国/ 中国
片长:104 分钟
制片商:媒体王国影视 Fernseh 有限公司


导演简历: 1970-1974年在柏林就读德国国家电影学校,从1974年开始成为独立电影人。工作经验包括在英国和德国做讲师,在佛得角群岛参加媒体拍摄项目,开过影展,出版几部作品。
1974-1982 在佛得角群岛拍摄的电影系列片,《在痛苦、欢笑、每天喝一次水之间》(德国“本月电影”),一些从个人视角拍摄的历史影片,如《寻找摩西先生》(1990)。制作中的影片有《记忆、收集》(关于人类学图片博物馆的影片)、《帝王的阴影》(暂名,讲述维克多•谢阁兰的四川的经历)。
塔玛拉•怀斯还参加很多电影节并获奖,例如莱比锡国际纪录片大会,巴黎人类学电影节,纽约玛格丽特•米德电影节,纽卡斯尔泰恩河畔电影节,Figuera das Foz Portugal,德国曼海姆和杜伊斯堡电影节,Internationale Hofer Filmtage等

Name of Film:The Chinese Shoes (Die chinesischen Schuhe)
Country of Production:Germany/ China
Commentary Language:German original sound: Chinese
Subtitle:English 、German
Running Time:104 min.
Year of Production:2002-2004
Author:Tamara Wyss
Director(s):Tamara Wyss

Brief Synopsis:The author is following her grandparents stay in China more than 90 years ago; up the Yangzi through the Three Gorges region to Chongqing and Sichuan.
Old photographs, sound recordings and notebooks are her traveling guide. We meet people on the way and get a glimpse of the great changes happened since then. Thus the film intertwines the past and the present.
Producer(s):Mediopolis Film- und Fernseh GmbH

Filmography:Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin, (German National Filmschool) 1970-74.
Independent documentary film-maker since 1974. Research, directing, camera-work and editing. TV and Independent Productions.  Work experience as lecturer in Britain, Germany and in a media project on the Cape Verde Islands. Photographic exhibitions.  Some publications.
Examples of work:
Series of films set in Cape Verde islands; 1974-1982: e.g. Between Pain and Laughter and Water once a Day (both award: Film of the Month, Germany); personal films dealing with German history e.g. “Searching for M.r Moses”; Again history from a personal viewpoint: The Chinese Shoes (2002-2004). In work: Remembering, Collecting (about an ethnographic museum). In preparation: People of the cold mountains (about Liangshan Yi) and The shadow of the emperor (working title; about Victor Segalens journey in Sichuan)
    T. Wyss has taken part in many festivals and received some awards. E.g. Leipzig International Documentary Filmfestival; Cinema du Reel, Cinema Ethnographique Paris; Margaret Mead New York, Tyneside Newcastle, Figuera das Foz Portugal; Mannheim and Duisburg in Germany; Internationale Hofer Filmtage.




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热点标签:奥运 珠峰 福娃 母亲节 印花税 火炬 日本 赵薇 外遇 股票 金晶 陈冠希 谢霆锋 CNN 中国足球 张柏芝 姚明

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