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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会展播影片


制片商:3 Kamele 影视—南希•布兰德&托马斯•多贝里茨施


导演简历:伯纳德•乌特卡,1944年生于Göttingen。他在Göttingen和慕尼黑学习心理学、社会学和哲学,后来在汉堡艺术学院学习视觉交际。获得博士学位后,他在Bremen艺术学院教书。从1990年开始,他在好几家电视台和电影制作公司担任顾问、联合作者,参与制作的作品包括有赖斯•贝克执导的“Bunte Hunde” (1995)、“Landgang für Ringo” (1996)、“Das Gelbe vom Ei”(1999) 和“Kanak Attack” (2000)。从2000年开始,他在莱比锡大学教授应用科学。《热爱金属碎片,及其他激情》是他为某些城市区域拍摄的第二部纪录片,近距离地观察了濒临毁灭的巴塞罗那市某个地区。

Name of Film: Die Liebe zum Schrott und andere Leidenschaften
The Love of Scrap Metal and other Passions (English title)
Country of Production: Germany
Commentary Language: German
Subtitle: English
Running Time: 80 min
Year of Production: 2003
Author: Bernhard Wutka, Thomas Doberitzsch
Director(s): Bernhard Wutka
Producer(s): 3 Kamele Film – Nancy Brandt & Thomas Doberitzsch

Brief Synopsis:
12 years after the reunification of Germany. Has the Golden Age begun in
East Germany? For some, maybe. The outcasts of society and of the new
order after the reunification have retreated into certain districts. They are the
so-called problem districts with issues like unemployment, crime and rightwing
extremism, and which are usually avoided or denied by the public. But
are such sweeping statements about the districts justified? Bernhard Wutka
and Thomas Doberitzsch set out to get an idea of one of those districts for
themselves – the East Leipzig district. The result is a collage of impressions
and life-stories, of daily life caught between past and present.

Bernhard Wutka was born in 1944 in Göttingen. He studied psychology,
sociology and philosophie in Göttingen and Munich and, later, visual
communications at the Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg. After his PhD he
taught at the Academy of Arts Bremen. Since 1990 he has been working on
several TV and film productions as dramatic advisor and co-writer, including
“Bunte Hunde” (1995), “Landgang für Ringo” (1996), “Das Gelbe vom Ei”
(1999) and “Kanak Attack” (2000), directed by Lars Becker. He has been
teaching at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences since 2000. “The Love
of Scrap Metal and Other Passions” is his second documentary dedicated to a
certain city district. In 1992 he directed the documentary “Am Strand von
Poble Nou” which takes a closer look at a district of Barcelona that is close to




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