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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会展播影片


片长:75 分钟 / 52 分钟


《战友-德国在印度支那的退伍军人》BR/ Arte, 越南 德国, 2004.
《沙海亚特兰蒂斯》ZDF; 阿曼/ 德国 2002.
《吴哥—高棉的石头中心》SWR/ Arte, 柬埔寨/ 德国 2002.
《尼泊尔卖光了女儿》Arte/ MDR/ 探索频道, 尼泊尔/印度/ 德国 2001.
《Kumbh Mela –地球上最伟大的表演》Arte/ MDR/ Discovery Channel,
印度/ 德国 2001. (Axel Springer 大奖2002).
Robo.com.bat德国 2001;《人类》德国 2001;《样品》ZDF/ Arte, 德国 2000;
《给我的生活上色》伦敦 1999;《永远快乐》汉堡 1999.;《婴儿潮孩子》伦敦 1999。

Name of Film:The most secret place on earth – The CIA covert war in Laos
Country of Production:Germany
Commentary Language:English
Running Time:75 min / also available 52 min
Year of Production:2007
Author:Marc Eberle , Tom Vater
Director(s):Marc Eberle
Producer(s):Christian und Reinhardt Beetz

Brief Synopsis:
The Vietnam War was the most intensely televised war ever. However, next door in neighboring Laos, the longest and largest air war in human history was underway, which eventually made Laos the most bombed country on earth. The Secret War was the largest operation ever conducted by the CIA, yet to this day, hardly anyone knows anything about it. Critics call it the biggest war crime of the Vietnam War era and point to striking similarities to the present conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan; similarities that were tested and set in motion back in Laos in the 1960s. In The Most Secret Place On Earth, key players of the Secret War– former CIA agents, American pilots, Laotian fighters and war reporters – take us on a journey into the physical heart of the conflict: Top secret Long Cheng, where the CIA built its headquarters in 1962. It was from this base that the Secret War was largely planned and executed. As the war dragged on, Long Cheng became the busiest airbase in the world and a major center for the global opium and heroin trade. As we journey into Long Cheng for the first time – the site has been off limits to the outside world since the end of the war in 1975 – the film reconstructs the gripping story of the operation and illustrates its relevance to current American conflicts.

Filmography: Brothers in Arms – German Foreign Legionnaires in Indochina  BR/ Arte, Vietnam/ Germany, 2004.
Atlantis of the Sands  ZDF; Oman/ Germany 2002.
Angkor –the Khmer Heart of Stone SWR/ Arte, Cambodia/ Germany 2002.
Nepal‘s sold out daughters Arte/ MDR/ Discovery Channel, Nepal/ India/ Germany 2001.
Kumbh Mela –The Greatest Show on Earth Arte/ MDR/ Discovery Channel,
India/ Germany 2001. (Axel Springer Award 2002).
Robo.com.bat Germany 2001.
Human   Germany 2001.
Sample    ZDF/ Arte, Germany 2000.
Colour My Day  London 1999;
Always Merry  Hamburg 1999.
Bigboombaby  London 1999.




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