搜狐视频 > 搜狐视频纪录片频道 > 2011中国(广州)国际纪录片节 > 纪录片评优

广州国际纪录片评优—境外《Wadan's World》

《Wadan's World》
《Wadan's World》

  Name of Film: Wadan's World

  Country/region of Production: Germany

  Running Time: 100 mins

  Year of Production: 2010

  Commentary Language: German

  Subtitle: English

  Date of First Release: 22.10.2010

  Genre: Society & Current Affairs

  Author: Dieter Schumann

  Director(s): Dieter Schumann

  Producer(s): Christian Beetz

  Brief Synopsis: Wismar, 120 km east of Hamburg, 45,000 citizens. The income of every third family here depends on Wadan Yards, the only large company in the region. In August, 2008, a Russian investor takes over the old German company and the future seems safe. Shortly thereafter, the world financial and economical crisis starts somewhere in the US and hits the old Hanseatic city hard. 5,000 jobs are endangered.

  A race against time starts. We accompany a group of welders throughout the turbulent months and learn that the loss of work means a lot more than just the loss of income. “If you want to be a shipbuilder, you have to be born for it,” says one of the protagonists, pointing out what has been true in this region for ages: Being a shipbuilder is a reputable job that is often passed on from generation to generation. Shipbuilding stands for dignity and quality and characterizes the whole coastal region.

  We accompany the workers, owners and insolvency administrators. We see them fighting to rescue of the shipyard, against the ups and downs, between powerlessness, anger, sadness and hope. 18 months of shooting, 120 hours of material. The crisis stayed an abstract phenomenon to many, but we see what it means for the majority of these workers. The Wadan Yards sink and reopen with a new owner. Some protagonists go back to the company, but the conditions are a lot worse. We attend the last shift before the close down due to insolvency and the first shift after reopening.

  The film captures what the crisis leaves behind and how the loss affects social values. People are divided in superiors and losers, people with work and without work. “Everything is different now,” says one man, meaning the lifeless feeling in his chest.

  Filmography: Dieter Schumann was born in Ludwig lust in the German province of Mecklenburg. After going to sea for a couple of years he studied direction at HFF Potsdam. From 1983 to 1990 he worked as director for TV and cinema films at the DFA-Dokfilmstudio. 1990 he started building up the cultural film funding and the film funding of the Landesfilmzentrum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, which he directed until 2002. 2002 Dieter Schumann founded the Basthorster Filmmanufaktur and is working ever since as free author, filmmaker and producer. 2008 he received the Ludwig-Reinhard-Kulturpreis, a prize for his efforts and achievements fur culture.












  简介:维斯马位于德国汉堡以东120公里,人口4万5千。在这里,每三个家庭中便有一个家庭的收入依赖于沃丹船厂(Wadan Yards),这一船厂是该地区唯一的大型公司。2008年8月,来自俄罗斯的投资商接管了这一历史悠久的德国公司,人们的未来似乎有所保障。但是,此后不久,始于美国的世界金融和经济危机重创这一历史悠久的城市,危及5000个就业机会。





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