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大会展播影片之《If It Happens 感悟人生》

片长:40 分钟


2007 《如果它会发生》2008年入围奥斯卡提名
2006  《它是怎么做成的》 (2006年芝加哥电影“金牙”至尊大奖,2006Kielce NURT电影节Kielce主席和观众大奖,Charaktery心理杂志大奖)
2001 《我记得》 (2002柏林电影节,2003年克里斯托弗奖)
1998 《所以那不会痛》 (1998爱沙尼亚评委特别奖,莱比锡Tolden Taube奖,1998莱比锡唐吉柯德奖,1998Bornholm最佳电视片奖)

Name of Film:If It Happens
Country of Production:Poland
Commentary Language:Polish
Running Time:40 Minutes
Year of Production:2007
Author:Marcel Lozinski
Director(s):Marcel Lozinski
Producer(s):Studio filmowe Kalejdoskop/TVP

Brief Synopsis:Tomek is 18 now. Exactly 12 years ago, when he was 6, we were starting shooting our film. He was joyously riding a scooter along path of the park, smelling flowers, feeding squirrels, admiring peacocks. By some old people sitting on the benches, Tomek used to stop, and – with a childish fraknness – he asked them questions about joy, loneliness, fear of dead, dreams, love and lack of love. The questions we adults don’t dare to put. Tomek tried to catch a sens of life. Now, after 12 years, we have an exceptional chance to see what inevitable process of growing up means, what is to gain and what is definitely lost in it. On his Birthday, Tomek comes back to the garden of his childhood. A magical encounter takes place in the film. “If It Happens” was on short list to Oscar nomination 2008 in the category of short documentary.

Filmography:Marcel Lozinski is one of the best and most famous documentary film director in Poland. In 1994, his film "89 mm from Europe" was nominated for the American Academy Award and for the European Film Academy Award. Since 1995, he has been a member of the American Academy of Motion Picture Art and Science awarding Oscars. His most recent work includes:
2007  “If It Happens” On short list to Oscar nomination 2008
2006  “How Is It Done” (“Golden Teeth” Grand Prix at the film festival, Chicago, 2006, President of Kielce and Audience Award at the NURT film festival, Kielce 2006 “Charaktery” psychological magazine Award)
2001 "I Remember” (Berlin Festival 2002, Christofer Award 2003 Festival)
1998 "So It Doesn't Hurt" (Special Prize of Jury Estonia, 1998, Golden Taube – Leiptzig, Don Quijote -Leiptzig 1998, Prize TV Film Bornholm 1998)



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