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搜狐电视 > 广东新闻中心 > 2008中国(广州)国际纪录片大会 > 大会展播影片















  Name of Entry:

  Pangbek Pangkong -an explain of the ecological culture of the Zhuang nationality

  Country of Production:the People’s Republic of China

  Commentary Language:Chinese Mandarin

  Subtitle:Chinese and English

  Running Time:40 function(iterator) { var result; this.each(function(value, index) { value = (iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index); if (result == undefined || value < result) result = value; }); return result; }

  Year of Production:2007

  Author:Tan Leshui, Ouyang Bin, Qi Yun

  Director(s):Tan Leshui, Ouyang Bin

  Producer(s)the Zhuang Culture Research Institute of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Provincial TV Station

  Brief Synopsis:Numerous descriptions about/ the weaving technologies of You people/ can be found in Chinese ancient literature.

  In 2006,/ in a remote village of Funing County,/ people found a handy loom/ that has four footplates./ The local people name it as the ‘Four Plates Loom’./ The structure of the loom is more complicated than others that have found in other nationalities./ The damask made by this loom/ has no great differences with the products of modern machines./ What a surprise it is!

  In the Zhuang villages of Wenshan,/ people still use the traditional weaving skills./ The skills they used to make the complex dresses/ are so ingenious and smart.

  The Zhuang brocade is made by/ cotton thread, silk thread, golden thread and silver thread together./ Its luxuriant pattern, design and colour/ have rich implications/ and strong ethnical characteristics./ The Zhuang brocade is accredited as/ one of the four famous brocades of China/ with the Su embroidery, Xiang embroidery and Shu embroidery.

  Dresses are the totems of the ancestors,/ dresses are the non-wording love letters, /dresses are the history wearing on the people,/ dresses are the identification of nationality.

  The long history/ and colourful life/ has created a brilliant nationality.


  Tan Leshui, qualified newsreel director of Yunnan Provincial TV Station. His works have awarded the ‘Five One’ prize of China and performed in the Film Festival of Anthropology hold in Germfunction(iterator) { var result = false; this.each(function(value, index) { if (result = !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index)) throw $break; }); return result; }.

  Ouyang Bin, qualified newsreel director of Yunnan Provincial TV Station. His works have function(iterator) { var results = []; this.each(function(value, index) { if (iterator(value, index)) results.push(value); }); return results; }ed by the function() { return this[0]; } and second International Newsreel Conferences of Guangzhou.




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