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音乐>金属>Iron Maiden

铁娘子乐队Iron Maiden《Flight 666》巡演纪录片 - Iron Maiden


简介:  Iron Maiden是英国著名重金属乐队,与Metallica、Slayer、Judas Priest并称为金属四巨头。   与在世纪之交的今天,IRON MAIDEN在世界各地都是一个家喻户晓的名字。伴随着20年的漫长历程、超过8千万张的专辑销量以及在他们影响下诞生的无数摇滚乐队,IRON MAIDEN在各方面都无愧为一支“经典”的摇滚乐队:他们是那种具有最极端情绪和最绚烂技术的摇滚类型——也就是被称之为重金属的恶魔——的代言人。正是IRON MAIDEN在80年代初重铸了这一音乐类型。当他们的第一首单曲,朋克金属力作Running Free以及他们的第一张专辑,强硬生猛的Iron Maiden于1980年获得成功的时候,一场让重金属再现辉煌的音乐运动就此诞生,这就是英国重金属新浪潮运动——IRON MAIDEN无疑是其中最有影响力和号召力的乐队。直到今天,IRON MAIDEN仍然保持着他们旺盛的生命力,继续着他们的征程。   As a very special bonus for the fans, Maiden have compiled songs from sixteen different cities in eleven countries around the world, for the first time ever encompassing such varied places and cultures in one concert. The soundtrack audio version of the live show will be available on a double CD, as a limited edition vinyl set with two picture discs, and a digital download especially for those fans who do not have DVD access or just want to enjoy the show as a great live album. All are lavishly packaged as an ultimate memento of a tour to remember!展开信息